Let´s Rock & Gold!

Gold has, as we all know, a story, legacy and beauty of its own that managed to survive throughout the ages and whose mystery is still displaying its hottest genuine value by becoming the number one investors´preference worldwide.
At the same time, our beloved Earth has also been gracefully producing beautiful and valuable rocks (diamonds, gemstones, precious stones, etc) over and over again since ancient times for us to appreciate and admire.
The moment jewelry makers discovered the art of joining both together, they set the foundations for a fantastic and alluring business-to-come as if declaring: “Let´s rock and gold!” long before Elvis had ever existed.

Why is gold combined with stones so appealing?
Many a jewelry firm have no conclusive answer to this question. Generally speaking, rocks and gold simply “look” fantastic together. The simplest set of earrings can make all the difference if designed elegantly, respecting a true balance between the metal and the stones involved.

But this is too simple a statement to explain why we crave for beautiful gold and stone pieces because we are leaving aside the main elements to this gold and rock combination success: As in the movement once presided by Elvis, the revolution of Rock & Gold is directly associated with intense colors. Magic comes out of brilliant colors in full vibrancy of grades which produce the attached fascination that comes from choosing a jewel we love.

Jusf for the sake of giving an example of what I mean, let´s take rubies, for instance. According to many experts in the jewelry industry worldwide, rubies, which mainly come from Burma in Myanmar and Thailand, are considered to be the most powerful gems in the Universe, usually associated with astral signs and protection to the living. Its magical influence is associated with life force, passion, and love. It is been said that to own a ruby is to have contentment and peace and, last but not least, when rubies are set in gold they are also considered the symbol of vitality and royalty.
However, what is even more striking and fascinating about rubies is its wide range of color which varies from slightly vermilion to intense red, the most desired and valuable being the famous “pigeon´s blood” intense tone.
So, isn´t it amazing to have such a wonderful description of meanings and features to help us make the most appropriate connection with the piece we would love to carry ? Now, placing the question from the sales point of view: Wouldn´t you agree that you could literally add value to your demonstration if your customer showed a certain inclination to one of these features in particular? Absolutely!
Whenever possible, do yourself a favor: next time you are in front of a client, try to Rock & Gold a bit before making any demonstration. (I mean, seriously, make the effort to express your true passion for rock & gold, please!)

Ask him/her as many open questions about them as you can (see, the “open question parade” appears in almost all my articles, I insist so much because it is the key to open your best results). Then begin working toward influencing what you have perceived are their preferences by associating the exact feature of the piece which will make the strongest impact in your customer´s perception. Trust me: the rock and gold tactic will help you “see through” your customer’s real passion about a particular piece and you will celebrate a long-term “sales bliss” after having investigated further on Rock & Gold and its infinite benefits. And don´t worry about Elvis…from wherever he is, I am sure he´ll show thumbs up!

Nota: Este artículo fue publicado en Jewelry News Network – USA

Mónica M. Arias
Excellence Consultant: Helping you discover how to reach your next level through excellence.
copyright: Mónica M. Arias