
10 Suggestions to elevate the quality of your leadership

I love the increasingly refined creative resources achieved with artificial intelligence. Since the initial ChatGpt (just over a year ago) AI platforms have intensified their offering, going through Pika, Tome, Blender, Midjourney, Runway, Leonardo.ai – the list continues – and now Open AI “new baby”: SORA, and Google’s: Gemini.ai. A platform for every user need and many of them completely free. Terrific.

However, it is useless to learn these tools updated month after month, if we are not able to master the art of communicating and relating in an effective, coherent way that implies growth for all parties, particularly in the labor sphere.

If you are a leader, here are 10 suggestions that may help improve your level of emotional intelligence and the quality of your management.

1 – Keep a process of deep self-knowledge or Self-Coaching: It is necessary to carry out exhaustive introspection to recognize your own strengths and weaknesses before pointing out those of others.

2 – Assume full responsibility for the role you occupy, and remain attentive to the variables of relational dynamics and the internal and external context of the company.

3 – Continuously train on new trends within organizations. It is no longer enough to read books or attend workshops and courses, today it is necessary to make decisions in real time by learning and using skills such as: emotional intelligence, excellent communication, Neuroleadership, collaborative management with generational differences, inclusion in global contexts, etc., essential abilities in today’s reality.

4 – Increase your dose of empathy and humility to:

a) Be aware that you do not know that you do not know;

b) Take the initiative to reach out to learn more about each individual you lead

c) Recognize points of improvement in your leadership style by requesting periodic feedback.

5 – Hire a Neuro Coach with a neuroscientific and holistic background to optimize your communication style and support your own and the team’s professional growth process.

6 – Be coherent: what you do must reflect what you said. Educate by example, both at home and at work. This is not a new concept, but coherence ceased to be a value in companies a long time ago. It is necessary to recover it.

7 – Get rid of “Selfism” and the search for perfection. Nothing is more undesirable and demoralizing than being managed by selfish leaders who constantly demand perfection – something which does not exist in the Universe – and seek to receive permanent approval.

8 – Establish a culture of appreciation, respect, care and harmony, where mistakes are part of everyone’s learning. If you are one of those leaders who use the index finger to point out those who made mistakes, you need to work hard on yourself before continuing to be the one who is making the worst mistake.

9 – Keep an open mind with more spontaneous, lighter, happier, real and beneficial interactions for everyone.

10 – Become a Leader-Coach to educate yourself and others in all of the above.

Questions? contacto@monica-arias.com

Psychological Safety at Work

Who wants to work in a place where they don’t feel safe to speak, refute or even give their opinion?


Psychological safety is a daily construction of the company and the commitment of its leaders to sustain the Culture that puts it into practice.

Here goes a document with some tips to start builidng psychological safety at work because…

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Autoconocerse: el secreto de los mejores Líderes.

Cuando de liderar se trata, por todos los Cielos entendamos de una buena vez que la tecnología es genial para solucionar mil problemas, y bienvenida por eso, pero nunca lo será para mejorar nuestras relaciones humanas, y mucho menos si gestionamos equipos de cualquier tamaño y en cualquier estilo (presencial, virutal o híbrido).

No hay excusas hoy para reconocer que el auto-conocimiento es el primer paso para crear confianza y seguridad, sin las cuales no es posible enfrentar los retos diarios de las dinámicas humanas en la empresa, porque la autoridad no es dada ni por un título, ni por el escalafón: SE GANA.

Podemos leer mil libros, asistier a incontables cursos o ver mil videos sobre cómo liderar de manera efectiva en este contexto histórico y terrible que nos toca vivir, pero la realidad es que las empresas que seguirán estando a la vanguardia, por cultura y resultados, son las que promueven valores no negocialbes, como la comunicación de excelencia o valorativa, la humildad, la paciencia, el diálogo y la escucha atencional de sus líderes (todo lo cual, es un combo que no muchos se animan a reconocer y menos experimentar).

Ellos aprendieron a crear ambientes diversos e inclusivos por esas razones y porque finalmente entendieron que son, antes que nada, servidores y aprendices, categorías que parecen no ser todavía moneda corriente en las empresas.

Seamos justos: si queremos mejorar nuestra gestión, y crear un «mundo mejor» , hagamos como decía la canción: «empecemos por el hombre /mujer en el espejo».

Empecemos tomando consciencia y aprendiendo a dar estos 3 pasos…